Ready to enjoy the holiday treats?

Let’s talk about holiday candy and all the treats that are coming from now until the first of the year.  So often, we restrict ourselves or put really strict rules around the treats. This restriction cycle leads to binging and guilt. How often have you been “good” around treats and then get so tired and stressed, and then dive headfirst into a tub of Halloween candy - and then you feel so guilty. Let’s flip the script and find something that works! 

This restriction cycle is exactly why most diets don’t work and people regain all the weight they initially lost. It isn’t due to motivation or self-control - restriction is proven to not work.

How can we combat this restriction, shame and guilt cycle?

First, we can stack our plates in our favor with protein and fat. Research shows that by starting  a meal with protein can actually help our blood sugar stay more stable. We’ll have less highs and lows as we’re going throughout our day. From here, you can enjoy a piece or two of chocolate or slice of pie without riding a wild and exhausting blood sugar roller coaster. Blood sugar lows typically lead us back to the candy jar to get another blood sugar boost.

By filling up on protein, fat, and veggies, you’ll find that you aren’t as hungry for the cookies or candy, but can enjoy one or two without feeling guilty - Moderation is key!

Another idea could be sharing the treats! Asking coworkers if they’d like a piece of candy or a cookie can help get them out of the house and spread some cheer. Many times, I’ll just bag up the candy from Halloween (after we’ve enjoyed several pieces) and send it to work with my husband. He’ll share with his coworkers and everyone is happy! Don’t worry - my kids get enough sugar between all of the holidays, visit with grandparents, and general kid snacks. 

Remembering that the treats around the holidays typically can be found year round, so most things aren’t SO scarce that you need to stock up. Now, this does not apply to your aunt’s special pie at Thanksgiving, or a certain spiced cookie? Nope - that’s why we’re enjoying the treats in moderation this season and hopping off that restriction-shame carousel.

Restriction does not work for most people, but in order to enjoy the balance of health, wellness, and life - moderation is key.


All about ultra low calorie diets


Ashley's Apple Pie