Five Unexpected Things That Happened When I Quit Sugar

Sugar addiction is not a true medical term, but if you have ever struggled with the draw of sugar, you know the addiction is real. I would start my day with sugar in my coffee and the day would just be full of sugar from there on out. I didn’t want to give up sugar because I love my coffee and I thought I needed it.

#1: My Skin Actually Improved

Staying at home, masks, and workouts have been unkind to my face. It has been broken out pretty consistently for the last several months. It was painful and stressed me out even more which started a pretty terrible cycle.

I’ve heard and read that acne can be linked to sugar intake, but it was hard to think about giving up regular sugar just to clear up my face. But it is so much clearer and the dark circles under my eyes are gone!

#2: I Don’t Need a 3pm Nap

I was seriously falling asleep sitting up on the couch with my kids. I just thought I needed more caffeine, but then I couldn’t sleep at night. I found myself snacking all day to try to avoid that slump.

Since reducing my sweet treats and refined sugar to almost zero, I don’t have the slump, regardless of how many hours of sleep I got the night before. (I still aim for 7+ hours!)

#3: I Don’t Have Any Sugar Cravings

I spent a weekend detoxing (more on that in another post!), and once the first week was over, I didn’t find myself wanting to find something sweet. If I really felt like I needed something sweet, I just had an apple, an orange, or some berries. Then I moved on and ate something else.

#4: I Have Found Moderation

Before I quit sugar, I couldn’t stop eating. I was concerned there was a deeper issue. Once I experimented with going off of sugar, I realized I could enjoy a serving or two of chips, or a burger and fries without wanting all of the chips or fries.

#5: I Sleep So Much Better

I fall asleep quicker and sleep harder. I’m not tossing and turning, or waking up in the middle of the night. This heavily impacts all of the other surprising benefits. With a great night’s sleep, I don’t find myself snacking all day to keep my energy levels up and I don’t find myself with that afternoon slump.

I Still Love and Eat Carbs

I am still enjoying buttered toast, pasta, and lots of potatoes. Carbs are still fully in my diet! I enjoy them, my body enjoys them. I’ll continue to eat them until something changes.

Is quitting sugar for you?

Maybe. You can work with a practitioner to get guidance and then decide if it will help your symptoms, or you can try it and see if quitting sugar is something that can help you get to your goals. If you find yourself using other foods to fill the need that sugar once filled, maybe it isn’t the best time to quit sugar.

Want to know how I did it?

I’ll be writing a blog post soon about how I went cold turkey and exactly how it has been since I quit!

Until then,



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